Tuesday 5 December 2017

Skin Expert Dr Namrata Ghai His Solutions For Cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite is a concern that passes most women's lips at some point during their adult lives, and for many it is a constant issue, particularly during bikini season. So, why do we get these pitted bits on our thighs - even if we're not fat? And, is there anything we can do about it? Dr. Namrata Ghai is a skin specialist In delhi, offering a wide range of skin treatments at a very affordable price.

What is cellulite?

The literal meaning is 'inflammation of the cells', which is not a remotely accurate research of the dimply, orange-peel skin effect so many women have come to fear, but the term was coined in the 1970s and has gradually been accepted as the legitimate name for this condition.
Cellulite is actually the trapping of fat pockets between connective tissue below the skin's surface in the subcutaneous fat layers (i.e. below the dermis and the epidermis).

The problem affects 92 per cent of adult women at some point in their lives, usually from their thirties onwards, but sometimes as young as their teens. As skin ages, the connective tissue loses tone and cellulite appears more prominent - especially on the hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

What causes of cellulite?

Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not a by-product of obesity. As plenty of young models will skinny girls,testify can suffer from dimply skin. According to Dr. Namrata Ghai, an exact cause of cellulite has not yet been identified but a number of plausible contributing factors have been suggested:

*Genetic predisposition
*Poor circulation
*Alcohol/drugs (including caffeine and smoking)
*Hormonal imbalances

How do you get rid of cellulite?

First things first, there are no miracle cures for this one. But you may be able to improve your affliction, provided you adhere to a treatment programme.

*Diet: Ensure you eat a healthy diet - stay away from fried, processed, salty and sugary foods and replace them with foods rich in zinc, copper and selenium - all three of which act on the fat metabolism.

*Exercise: if you are over-weight then a general endurance-building exercise plan will force the body's metabolic rate to find energy from its fat stores. If you are not over weight then concentrate on exercises that will tone the muscles & skin.

*Treatments: There are various types of professional treatments that work by sending low level electronic charges through the body but a good place to start is with a product that can be used at home and is designed to smooth and even out the skin in affected areas.

With some hard work, a healthy and balanced diet and investment in a good treatment, it is possible to see a huge difference in the appearance and texture of the skin as well as in the actual thigh measurement too. And for those who want to be summer-ready, it is never too early to start.

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